தேவையான ஒத்துழைப்புக்களை வழங்கத் தயார் - முஸ்லிம் தூதுவர்கள் ஜனாதிபதி கோட்டாபயவுக்கு உறுதி
மத்திய கிழக்கு தூதுவர் குழுமத்தை பிரதிநிதித்துவம் செய்யும் நாடுகளின் தூதுவர்கள் இன்று (09) முற்பகல் ஜனாதிபதி செயலகத்தில் ஜனாதிபதி கோட்டாபய ராஜபக்ஷ அவர்களை சந்தித்தனர்.
புதிய அரசாங்கத்திற்கு மத்திய கிழக்கு நாடுகளின் ஒத்துழைப்பு தொடர்ந்தும் கிடைக்கப்பெறும் எனவும், பொருளாதார மற்றும் கலாசார நடவடிக்கைக்காக எதிர்காலத்தில் இலங்கைக்கு தேவையான ஒத்துழைப்புக்களை பெற்றுக்கொடுக்க எதிர்பார்ப்பதாகவும் தூதுவர்கள் தெரிவித்தனர்.
மேலும் ஜனாதிபதி கோட்டாபய ராஜபக்ஷ அவர்களுக்கு தமது வாழ்த்துகளை தெரிவித்த தூதுவர்கள், ஜனாதிபதி அவர்களின் தலைமைத்துவத்தின் கீழ் இலங்கைக்கும் தமது நாடுகளுக்குமிடையிலான தொடர்புகளை அனைத்து துறைகளிலும் பலப்படுத்த அர்ப்பணிப்புடன் செயற்படுவதாக உறுதியளித்தனர்.
பலஸ்தீன, எகிப்து, குவைத், ஓமான், ஈராக், லிபியா மற்றும் கட்டார் நாடுகளை பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்தும் இலங்கைக்கான தூதுவர்கள் இந்த சந்திப்பில் கலந்துகொண்டனர்.
சமிந்த கருணாரத்ன
பிரதிப் பணிப்பாளர்
ஜனாதிபதி ஊடகப் பிரிவு
No thanks
ReplyDeleteAJan and tigers greedy for land and jelouys with muslims.finally
ReplyDeletePrabhakaran went to grave.greedy people will have only this.so ajan correct your self
Ajan...you guys a losers in this world and here after also.good luck.
ReplyDeleteBrother Faizer Musthapa,
ReplyDeletePlease kindly STOP talking about the The Arab countries support to the Rajapaksa government. The Arabs have always been supportive of the Rajapakas. PM Mahinda Rajapaksa was the pioneer who stood by the Arab and Palestinan cause from the begining. Do not try to sell your self through the SLFP or selling the Arab support and the Mahinda family to the Muslim voters who are SLFP/SLPP supporters and have been voters of HE. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the November 16th., Presidential Elections. THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK. Just leave Muslim pollitics to be taken over by "NEW" young Muslims political aspirants who want a change, supporting HE. Gotabaya Rajpaksa. I have been involved with the SLFP/Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike camp since 1969 and the SLPP since 2016. Your Uncle Dr. Maharoof (former SLFP District Organizer for Harispatuwa and Vice President SLFP) then were shining examples and never "jumped from party to party" to gain self-benefits. From the CWC, you jumped to the UNP, then to the SLFP, then supported the SLFP and now you claim to be a SLFP/SLPP supporter. You have been with the SLFP for only a few years. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER BACK STABBING HE. MAHINDA RAJAPAKSA and HE. GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSA since June 2014 following the aftermath of the Aluthgama, Beruwela and Dharaga Town incidents. This will take you no where please. It is better you do your politics on your own, not on behalf of the Rajapaksas or the Muslim community.
"The Muslim Voice" wishes to repeat to you our earlier message kindly.
The Muslim Voice" is of opinion The Muslim Vote Bank will be acting on their own again and it is time that the Muslim Vote Bank should have a UNITED VISION to work with. A vision to support the SLPP, accepting the present reality and looking into the future, Insha Allah.
It is the opinion of the writer - the SLPP and politicians who love our "MAATRUBOOMIYA" are not willing to accept Muslim politicians who had "hoodwinked them and the Muslim Vote Bank. Muslims and the SLPP are coming forward to SUPPORT the launching a political campaign in the Eastern province and Muslim populated areas to bring together the Muslim Vote Bank and gather them to create a "New Muslim Political Culture". THIS IS THE POLITICAL REALITYA for Muslims and a lot has been spoken about this new culture in the media too. MUSLIM LOYALISTS WHO SUPPORTED "The Mahinda Pela, Joint Opposition, Former President and Leader of the Opposition, Mahinda Rajapaksa, HE. Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the National Organizer SLPP, Basil Rajapaksa are all speaking about this new "Muslim Political Culture". "THE MUSLIM VOICE" has been propogating this since June 14th., 2014. It will a culture that will create a political force which will be honest and sincere and produce "CLEAN"and diligent Muslim Politicians. This political force can then support the new government to be formed in 2020 with our Muslim representatives, as partners, Insha Allah. You should ask "DUA" from God AllMighty Allah for forgiveness and for your political deeds that has harmed the good and welfare of the Muslim Vote Bank and the "MUSLIM FACTOR". You destroyed the local government strength of Muslims in Muslim populated areas by presenting the Local Authorities Elections (Amendment) Act, No. 16 of 2017 in the so-called "Yahapalana"government. We lost 75% of the local bodies which we had controlled as a result. You are behaving as a "munafique" again now. Please get-out of Muslim politics now, Insha Allah.
The Muslim Vote Bank should also have a UNITED VISION to work with for the future, Insha Allah.
Noor Nizam - Convener "The Muslim Voice".