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ரணில் - கோட்டாபய தொலைபேசியில் உரையாடல்

கோட்டாபய ராஜபக்ச ரணில் விக்கிரமசிங்கவை சந்திக்க அலரி மாளிகைக்கு செல்லவில்லை...
அப்படி சந்தித்ததாக வந்த செய்திகள் தவறானவை.

ரணில் தொலைபேசியூடாக கோட்டாவுடன் பேசினார். அப்போது நாட்டு நிலைமைகள் குறித்து இருவரும் பேசிக் கொண்டனர்.

ரணில் தொலைபேசி எடுத்த கையோடு நட்புடன் பதிலளித்த கோட்டா “ நானும் உங்களை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவே இருந்தேன்” என்றாராம்.

“ அது ஏன்?” என்று கேட்டாராம் ரணில்...

“ இல்லை ... அலரி மாளிகையை விட்டு எப்போது கிளம்புவீர்கள் என்று கேட்கத்தான்...!” என்று தமாஷாக பதிலளித்தாராம் கோட்டா.

பின்னர் இருவரும் அரசியல் நிலைமைகள் குறித்து பேசினர்.. நட்புடன் அந்த உரையாடல் முடிந்ததாக தகவல்.....

Ramasamy Sivarajah


  1. "The Muslim Voice" made an appeal to Hon. PM Mahinda Rajapaksa that the new PM should NOT forget those Muslims, Muslim voters and Muslim politicians who stood with “Mahinda pela”,Basil and Gotabaya since they were defeated in January 8th., 2015. In recent times, the Beruwela and Aluthgama and Eastern province Muslims who have extended their support to Mahinda Rajapaksa with a hope of understating and trust that the New PM will resolve their issues democratically. They are the people/Muslim representatives who should be our VOICE in the new Mahinda – MY3 government, Insha Allah. The appointment of M. L. A. M. Hizbullah, MP as State Minister of Highways and Road Development and Kader Masthan MP as Deputy Minister of Resettlement, Rehabilitation, and Northern Development is appreciated as a great gesture of the Mahinda, Basil and Gotabaya Rajapaksa (trio) towards the Muslims of Sri Lanka. ALHAMDULILLAH, "The Muslim Voice" wishes to praise God AllMighty Allah for this achievement and look forward for better times with the MY3/Mahinda new government, Insha Allah. "The Muslim Voice" calls upon all Sri Lanka Muslims/voters to support the MY3 - Mahinda Rajapaksa government in all it's political struggle to make our "MAATHRUBOOMIYA" a better place for all it's citizens to live peacefully and become a prosperous Nation, Insha Allah.
    Noor Nizam
    Convener - "The Muslim Voice".

  2. Why do not this Nazam is married to Mahinda family?
    Did he give him some dowry?
    We all know what Mahinda did for all?
    We know all what did? Good and bad things?

  3. With my involvement with the SLFP since 1969, beginning with the Late Sirimavo R.D.Bandaranaike and supporting Mahinda at the 2015 Presidential and General elections, being a staunch supporter of the SLFP/Majhinda Pela/JO and the SLPP, I know that the political cuemanship of the late T.B.Jaya's advice "that we Muslims should not place all our eggs in one basket" has to be the best political "SAFETY VALUE", Insha Allah for the Muslims of Sri Lanka. Even though, as a voice heard in the wilderness, I have stood with the SLFP/Mahinda Pela/JO and the SLPP, without changing colours or the party till to-date, Alhamdulillah. The fact remains NOW, the Muslim voters are acting on their own and do NOT wish to be represented by these "MUNAAFIKK and DECEPTIVE POLITICIANS", Insha Allah. It is time up that a NEW POLITICAL FORCE that will be honest and sincere that will produce "CLEAN" and diligent Muslim Politicians to stand up and defend the Muslim Community politically and otherwise, especially from among the YOUTH, and to support the news government of PM Mahinda Rajapaksa, has to emerge from within the Sri Lanka Muslim Community to face any new election in the coming future, Insha Allah.
    Noor Nizam. Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP Stalwart and Convener - "The Muslim Voice".


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