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Chennai flood disaster and Tamil Nadu Muslim community

-By Dr Rifai.UK -

         Chennai experienced one of its worst flooding disasters in the last four days. Chennai and surrounding areas were inundated with flood due to continuous heavy raining for the last four days. And yet, politicians and government agents did little to help the victims of this flood disaster. Among all other social organizations, South Indian Muslim community rushed to help flood victims immediately. They rushed to help them as soon as they realised this flood was endangering lives of people. They rushed to help them day and nights in these pouring rainy days. 

       Whatever good deed comes from any group of people we should welcome and appreciate that deed. For the last few days, South Indian TNTJ (Tamil Nadu Tawheed Jamath), Jamathe –Islami and other Muslim groups have   been doing a wonderful and dedicated service for the flood victims. They have dedicated their money, time, energy and human resources to help trapped victims of flood for the last four days. Before Indian government agents, police and public officials moving into to help these flood victims, TNTJ and some other Indian Muslim organizations rushed into helping these victims. These Muslim organizations helped all victims beyond all racial or religious limitations. Their humanitarian help and supports are highly appreciated by all sections of Tamil communities in Tamil Nadu.  Muslim groups worked day and nights helping these victims. They opened up mosques to all vulnerable people of flood victims. It is reported that all Hundi ladies and women stayed in some of Muslim mosques in Tamil Nadu. These people are overwhelmed with support they received from Muslims. 

       Meals were cooked in many mosques across Chennai to support these victims. Many people lost their houses, shops and properties in this flood. Many people have become homeless within these four days of continuous raining. Yet, Muslim people across Chennai rushed to help them before all other charitable organisations. Red Cross, Lion club and Indian government agents. They did not do any help as Muslim organizations did initially.  Muslim people from surrounding areas of Chennai sent containers of necessary food, cloth, and medical items for the flood victims. 

    This has indeed, earned the good will of Tamil Nadu Hindu communities for the entire Muslim community in India. I have seen many political leaders, China actors, priests are acknowledging and appreciating the humanitarian works of Muslim organizations. All sections of Tamil Nadu Tamil community was praising Muslim community for helping flood victims  in time of hardship.  

         Today, all over the world, Muslims have been depicted with so many negative names such as terrorists, Jihadists, extremists and radicals and yet, Muslim community in Tamil Nadu manifested the true meanings of kindness, compassion, love and affection in time of hardship and difficulties.  It is part and parcel of Muslim faith to help humanity in time of needs beyond all racial and religious barriers.  Tamil Nadu Muslim community sets an example demonstrating the true humanitarian aspect of Islam in helping all those in need.  Our religion is all about enhancing our relation with our Creator and at the same time enhancing our relation with fellow human beings. When people are indeed, saving lives of people must be our priority according to Islamic teaching. Tamil Nadu Muslim community did this at this crucial time.  If only Muslim communities across the globe follow this time of good example in our actions and deeds in our daily interaction with other communities no doubt Islam will be attracted to millions of people. 

   I have many differences with TNTJ and yet, on this point I really appreciate their works and their dedication. They have acted as an army of faithful and they set a good example for the entire Muslim Ummah in the world. This is indeed, a noble and most acceptable religious duty Tamil Nadu Muslims have done in the name of Islam and Muslims. That is why actions of TN Muslim community have surprised millions of Hindu people in India. This has indeed, won the hearts and minds of millions of Tamils in Tamil Nadu. They have showed the true meaning of Islamic message of peace, social harmony and kindness through their actions. Actions speak lounder than talking. In this case, TN Muslim people’s actions are more effective than suicide bombings of so called ISIS terrorists.  


  1. Of course every one should appreciate for Muslims in TN as a whole. Whether people appreciate or depreciate it is upto Allah who is the one going to reward or change the mentality of Khafir. And do not forget the consequences of appreciating extreamist group who intentionally advertise to promote themselves using sad circumstances to their favour. What is the use of the appreciation of non Muslim when it is used advertise among Muslims to send them on astray?

  2. Dr..your views fall in with mine. Unequivocally Muslims Brothers in Tamilnadu in particular the TNTJ (Tamilnadu Thowheed Jamaath) set a precedent to the entire Muslim Ummah of existing world. We must praise their strenuous efforts and May Almighty Allah accepts their deeds and reward them here and afterlife!

  3. Dr. First of thank you for not putting your Picture this time. the thing is the article very clear and straight to the point in a detailed manner.
    May Allah Reward you for this. If its in Tamil it will be better. so that everyone can see.
    JF you need to think about publishing article in Sinhala too. Many like myself studied in Sinhalese mediam. ( but i have learnt to write and read Tamil)


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