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Presidential election and violence: An Islamic perspective:


It has been stated that more than 800 election related violent incidents have been taken in recent days. Post –and pre-election related violence has dramatically increased in recent times. Sometime post-election related violent acts are more revengeful. Victorious people have a habit of revenging the defeated party members. This takes place in many forms and ways. Sometimes, soon after the election result is declared, the members of party who won the election attack the properties and houses of defeated party members. Sometimes government officials of defeated party are transferred for remote areas as an act of a political revenge. This uncultured and uncivilised violence should be stopped.  we are now living in this modern world of information revolution. These types of violent acts will tarnish the good name of Sri Lanka among international community. Such acts of violence do not bring any good for any one in Sri Lanka.

In this presidential election alone so far, we have seen dramatic increase in violence. It is really shame for Sri Lanka. It is reported most of violent acts are perpetrated by ruling party with the support of security forces. The security forces are in delicate situations. It is difficult for them to maintain neutrality in these case. If they do not support the ruling party members they will be punished. 

In some places, police and security officers could not prevent the perpetrators of violence. Today, all political meetings are video recorded by modern technical devices. So it is not difficult to collect evidence and proof. It is pathetic that political parties are bias when they deal with the perpetrators of these violence. The ruling party will never punish the perpetrators of violent acts from their party members. After all, it is in the name of president they are doing these all violence. 

Yesterday, Maithri’s meeting was pelted with stone and more than 6 people are injured.  This is unpreceded level of violence in this election. Many more violent incidents took place in recent time across the country. MR supporters physically attacked opposition party members. CKB meeting in Beruwala was attacked, Maithri’s meeting stage was burned down in Galle, monks from MR supporters attacked a group of monks from Maithri supporters in Polannaruwa, and artists were attacked in Kurunagale. Likewise, barbaric attacks are still continuing. Most of these attacks are being carried out by MR and co supporters. The perpetrators of these violence must be punished.

Sadly, we have seen these violence in Muslim areas as well. It is reported that kattandudi, Puttam and some other Muslim villages have experienced some violence.

Islam strongly condemns such violence and no way could anyone justify this act of violence. Intimidating and threatening people in the name of politics is not acceptable in Islam. The victory and defeat come in accordance with the will of Allah. Allah gives power and authority whoever he wishes.  it is not in our hands to interfere in divine will and wisdom. 

We have our examples and models in the life of the prophet. We all know when the prophet won over Makka what was his reaction in the peak of victory. . He came with thousands of his companions in camels and horses. When he came near to Makka he laid down and make two prostration in gratitude to Allah. Even When Prophet entered Makka he shown his mercy and humbleness to all people around him. All his enemies in the past, feared for their life and yet, Prophet openly pardoned all of them. Abu Sufiyan and Hinda feared for their life and yet prophet told them you are free and you could go home without any guilty feeling. This is the example of our prophet at the peak of his victory.

Why Muslims in Sri Lanka are fighting each other in the name of politics. Neither Mahinda nor Maithri will take Muslims people into paradise. We should realise that we are living in a Non-Muslim country with Sinhala and Tamil communities. We should be example to all these community. We should be a witness for them in our words and actions. Of course, participating in this election is a religious and social duty and yet, we should not go far away from Islam to support of any of these candidates. Islamically speaking we could choose the lesser evil of two. With the past experience we all know who the detrimental person for Muslim community is?   From the past experience we all know who would be the best leader for the country among these two. 

Muslim community in this election should think twice before they vote. We should consider the collective interest of Muslims in this country. It is pity that some cheap Muslim politicians among us are trying sell our community for their personal interests. Muslims should teach them a lesson in this election. We should have an honest, vibrant and dedicated political leadership. Today, we have highly educated Muslim professionals and leaders they should be given opportunities to be elected for our parliament not all political thugs we have today. 

Let us see some changes in Muslim politics today. Muslim community is politically awaken today than ever before. Thanks to BBS for this. 

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