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சட்டவிரோத இஸ்ரேலின் உயர்மட்ட குழு இலங்கை வருகிறது

A top Israeli Business and High-Tech mission is scheduled to arrive in Colombo next week. This is the strongest such delegation to arrive in Sri Lanka in recent times.

Among the delegation are high-end Israeli companies in dairy, agriculture, high tech, water and tourism. Sri Lankas Ambassador in Israel would lead the 30 strong mission to Sri Lanka whose visit was now scheduled from August 25th to 31st. - hn


  1. Alert all the Muslim in Srilanka. more and plan may be handed down to BBS and others. More mosques may be planned to be destroyed. More food poisoning would be possible for Muslims. More deferent opinions from middle would be imported with them. These are the Mozarts coming for nothing but to create problems among Muslim. UNP rulers never allowed Isreal to the country but MR ......... No vote for UPFA because of this. Take up this issue at all the political stage from today onwards.

  2. So we can expect more attack against Muslim...


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