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ஹலால் தொடர்பில் SMS தகவல்களை உறுதி செய்யாமல் நம்ப வேண்டாம்-அ.இ.ஜ.உ

(பழுலுல்லாஹ் பர்ஹான்)

ஹலால் தொடர்பில் குறுஞ்செய்திகளின் தகவல்களை உறுதி செய்யாமல் நம்ப வேண்டாம் அகில இலங்கை ஜம்மியதுல் உலமா தெரிவித்துள்ளது.

அகில இலங்கை ஜம்மியதுல் உலமாவின் ஹலால் தொடர்பாக பொது மக்களுக்கு விளக்கமளிக்கும் மாநாடு இன்று 2013.03.23 காத்தான்குடி ஹிஸ்புல்லாஹ் இஸ்லாமிய கலாசார மண்டபத்தில் பிற்பகல் 4 மணியளவில் நடைபெற்றது.

இந்நிகழ்வில் அகில இலங்கை ஜம்மியதுல் உலமாவின் ஹலால் சபையின் பொறுப்பாளர் மௌலவி எம்.எம்.இர்பான், கண்டி மத்ரஸதுல் புர்கானியா அரபுக் கல்லூரியின் அதிபரும் ஹலால் சபையின் உறுப்பினருமான எச்.உமர்தீன் ஆகியோர் விஷேட உரையாற்றினர்.

இந்நிகழ்வில் காத்தான்குடி ஜம்மியதுல் உலமா தலைவர் மௌலவி அலியார் (பலாஹி), காத்தான்குடி ஜம்மியதுல் உலமா செயலாளர் மௌலவி ஜிப்ரி (மதனி), மட்டக்களப்பு மாவட்ட ஜம்மியதுல் உலமா செயலாளர் மௌலவி முஸதபா (இஸ்லாஹி)காத்தான்குடி பள்ளிவாயல்கள் முஸ்லிம் நிறுவனங்களின் சம்மேளன பிரதித் தலைவர் அப்துல்ஜவாத் பீ.ஏமற்றும் உலமாக்கள், அரபு மத்ரசாக்களின் அதிபர்கள் உப அதிபர்கள், ஆசிரியர்கள்இகல்விமான்கள், ஊர் பிரமுகர்கள், புத்திஜீவிகள் பெருந்திரளான பொதுமக்கள உட்பட பலரும் கலந்து கொண்டனர்.

குறித்த இம்மாநாட்டில் ஹலால் என்றால் என்ன? இஜம்மியதுல் உலமா ஹலால் விடயத்தில் ஏன் இந்த முடிவை எடுத்ததுஇஜம்மியதுல் உலமாவுக்கெதிராக முன்வைக்கப்படும் குற்றச்சாட்டுக்களும் அவற்றிற்கான பதில்களும் என பல்வேரு விடயங்கள் தொடர்பாக ஆராயப்பட்டதுடன் அது  தொடர்பில் பூரண விளக்கமுமளிக்கப்பட்டது.


  1. dear brothers why still you are spoiling your time for halal certificate ??? we know more then these about halal food but our Muslim sisters and brothers know and kindly stop this topic whole the year you are talking useless things here and creating problems.and and you dont if you eat the halal for that you will go to paradise never fist of all you learn about Islam ,you must teach about Islam for our next generation ,there is no limitation for studies ,most of our people dint know fundamental of our Islam,most of our muslim brothers and sisters still doing many Shirk and bidaah ,i want to know why you never avoid these biggest sins, still many of our moulavi brothers never explained about Islam properly so we should know our islam what is saying and ,Quraan what says ,and our prophet Muhaamad Sallallahu Alaihi wasllam what did say for our ummah and what did he peace be up on him explained,so if we follow the islam properly there is nothing will be happened for our Muslim brothers and sisters in Srilanka or in other any countries, how many por families are there in our country you never help them but you build masjidh more and more ,even no one pray for what those masjidhs ? dear moulavies and and those who spending their time and soul for halal certificate kindly my humble request to leave ro give up ,you think deeply and go head ,dont be a problem creator between us ,and our previous parents never get any of halal certificate ,do you think they did not eat halal foods? if you think deeply according to real Islam you are winner alhamdulillah ,so there are many things to teach our muslim brothers and sisters ,about islam and ,we be a ideal muslim or mulimah we show our morality to our non mulim brothers and sisters they will know what nice and quite religion Islam,Jazakumullahu Khairan Allah Aalam

  2. ஹலால் என்றால் என்னவென்று அதை தடைசெய்வதற்கு முயற்சித்தவர்களுக்கு விளக்கி, தடைசெய்யாமல் இருப்பதற்கு எடுக்க வேண்டிய நடவடிக்கைகளையெல்லலாம் விட்டு விட்டு, கோழைத்தனமாக பயந்து நீங்களே இலங்கை பொருளாதாரத்தை வளர்ப்பதற்கு ஹலாலை தாரை வார்த்துவிட்டு இப்போ முஸ்லிம்களுக்கே ஹலால் என்றால் என்னவென்று கூறி உங்கள் பிழையான முடிவினை ஊரூராகச் சென்று நியாயப்படுத்துகிறீர்கள். உலமாசபையே அல்லாஹ்வை பயந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்

  3. Assalamuallikum Brother Abu Simra Ala,
    First of all you should understand the necessity of having Halal certification with the growth of mass production and vast imports, I don't want to explain you further as you may know this if not please educate yourself little more before you could comment.
    I greatly appreciate your thought in general of Islamic knowledge, Shrik, Bidah, but it is been told many times by various 'Ulamas' in various occasions yet we can request them to talk more and more and also let us be a part of it.
    Yes we should obtain more knowledge about Islam and practice but don’t forget to tell them to our non Muslims brothers in this country, we are lack of doing it, are we?????
    What” ACJU” is doing is right according to the current situation in the county and we should support them, please note that, We all know the Muslim politicians are doing very little to protect our society, If all of us such as politicians, Ulamas, Business men’s, Educated people, other leaders including general public has to be united with “ACJU”. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said , “Al-Ulama al-warasatul al-Anbiya'ah (the learned are the successors of the prophets.”
    Don’t say that our Ulamas are creating problems, maybe You & I as individual would have leads to create problems in our society.
    Let’s question ourselves as individual,
    • Is not afraid to witness

    • to my faith.
    • Seeks knowledge and is always open to new ideas and teachings.
    • Is humble and willing to listen to others.
    • Participates in the life of the ummah.
    • Is faithful in the practice of Islam.
    • Treats others better than I do myself.
    • Is sensitive to the needs of others, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
    • Lives fully in this world while looking forward to the world to come.
    • Submits to Allah in all things.

    Finally we all know In the Qur'an it is mentioned that praying for forgiveness and expressing repentance are ways to eternal salvation:
    If it were not for God's grace and mercy to you, and that God is Forgiving and full of Wisdom, (you would indeed be ruined). (Al-Noor, 10)
    JazakAllah Khair,

  4. Assalamuallikum Brother Abu Simra Ala,
    First of all you should understand the necessity of having Halal certification with the growth of mass production and vast imports, I don't want to explain you further as you may know this if not please educate yourself little more before you could comment.
    I greatly appreciate your thought in general of Islamic knowledge, Shrik, Bidah, but it is been told many times by various 'Ulamas' in various occasions yet we can request them to talk more and more and also let us be a part of it.
    Yes we should obtain more knowledge about Islam and practice but don’t forget to tell them to our non Muslims brothers in this country, we are lack of doing it, are we?????
    What” ACJU” is doing is right according to the current situation in the county and we should support them, please note that, We all know the Muslim politicians are doing very little to protect our society, If all of us such as politicians, Ulamas, Business men’s, Educated people, other leaders including general public has to be united with “ACJU”. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said , “Al-Ulama al-warasatul al-Anbiya'ah (the learned are the successors of the prophets.”
    Don’t say that our Ulamas are creating problems, maybe You & I as individual would have leads to create problems in our society.
    Let’s question ourselves as individual,
    • Is not afraid to witness to my faith.
    • Seeks knowledge and is always open to new ideas and teachings.
    • Is humble and willing to listen to others.
    • Participates in the life of the ummah.
    • Is faithful in the practice of Islam.
    • Treats others better than I do myself.
    • Is sensitive to the needs of others, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
    • Lives fully in this world while looking forward to the world to come.
    • Submits to Allah in all things.

    Finally we all know In the Qur'an it is mentioned that praying for forgiveness and expressing repentance are ways to eternal salvation:
    If it were not for God's grace and mercy to you, and that God is Forgiving and full of Wisdom, (you would indeed be ruined). (Al-Noor, 10)
    JazakAllah Khair,


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